January 28, 2005

Hello Again

This month has been hectic, exciting, scary, exhausting, and an adventure. Time has flown and I have barely had time to keep up with laundry, e-mail, and anything oustide of work. I think I'm starting to breathe a little bit more now and things are settling into a smoother rhythm. The students are mostly great and I am enjoying working with them. One school has mostly Korean students and the other is all Spanish speaking students. The class that I have enjoyed the most so far is the integrated skills class (that means reading, writing, speaking and listening) based on the theme of stories and storytelling. We started with folktales, then biography/autobiography and finally some drama. I think I'll read one story for an audioblogger entry. Now just to choose. Now it's the weekend. Well, I have a meeting tomorrow (Friday) and some planning to do and assignment grades to record. I can at least do a lot of that at home and be relaxed. An old college friend that I haven't seen in many years will come and visit me on Saturday. That is exciting. I'll be sure and write about it. I think I'm starting to get settled again and I'm finding time for things, like keeping this journal.